Create Your Cosmology

Create Your Cosmology ✦

Sep 24 - Nov 18, 2024

A 9-week hybrid container for original creatives, nuanced thinkers, and sensitive Imagineers who want to become their own most trusted authority, express their unique truth, and attract those who resonate with it.

Maybe you believe in something bigger than the material universe, but you don’t feel a sense of belonging in hyper-niche areas of the spiritual world. Or you care about the collective, but you have an aversion to adopting dogmas and rigid ideas about how that care has to look. Or you enjoy the power of the intellect but know you aren’t meant to live solely in the mind.

If you’re tired of being told one part of you isn’t important, or feeling like you need to change who you are to belong, then it’s time to be the author of your own cosmology.

By weaving together artistic, philosophical, scientific, and mystical approaches to create your own unique understanding of the world, you can thrive as your authentic multidimensional self.

In this hybrid 9-Week transformative course, you will develop trust in your vision and the courage to share your perspective through:  


Dissolving the myth of objectivity and understanding logical frameworks to dissolve illusion.


A lot of our culture disrespects and misunderstands the human experience, which is to be an embodied, emotional, and creative interdependent sovereign being. In this course we create pathways to honor & revere the human experience.


Through honoring our intuition and refining our ability to see and call in sacred synchronicities + the language of wisdom, we create a more integrated and interconnected way of navigating the world.


A cosmology is a theory of the universe and our role in it, that cohesively connects all of our experiences, giving us a sense of meaning, interconnectivity and direction.


The problem is, you aren’t sure exactly what.

So you’re feeling...

  • Lost in a sea of strong opinions, without clarity on your own perspective. 

  • Adopting inauthentic language to be accepted by others.

  • Pressured to prove to others that you are good, intelligent, or that you belong by adopting their perceptions. 

  • Confused from hopping from one belief system to another.

  • Exhausted from trying to gather information in search of the right perspective. 

  • Tired of self-censoring.

  • Feeling closed off to new ideas because of overwhelm.

  • Fragmented into parts that feel contradictory or in opposition.

But you desire to be...

  • Emanating your true frequency and attracting aligned community, clients, or opportunities.

  • Creating a life and career that is in resonance with your true nature.

  • Clear in your own voice while deeply respecting other's experiences.

  • Trusting your own path and clearer in your own thoughts.

  • Open-minded yet able to take in ideas that differ from yours without letting them overtake your own.

  • Cohesive in your critical thinking, and intuitive sensing.

  • Open to potential and possibility.

  • Confident and playful with your unique way of making meaning.

  • Solid in the why behind what you want to create, share, and express.

  • Ready to pursue your unique creative ideas.

  • Trusting that your vision is unique and offers something the collective needs.

The Roadmap

Create Your Cosmology

In this 9-week hybrid experience, we ask, “WHO INTERPRETS YOUR REALITY?” so that you can become the creative director of your belief systems, have agency in your reality creation, express your unique truth, and attract those who resonate with it.

Create Your Cosmology

Create Your Cosmology ✦

Your Instructor

Xenia Marie Ross Viray


I believe our creativity and spiritual potential are one and the same. After going through an intense, confusing, and painful process of learning how to understand my own creativity and own the value and preciousness of my creative spirit, I know my soul mission is to support others in restoring, revitalizing, and rebirthing their own creative energy. 

A foundational part of owning the powerful potential in your creative worldview is understanding your pure and undiluted perspective. 

I believe we are in deep need of authentic visionaries, and if you are here on this page it is likely you are one. It would be a deep honor to support you in unearthing your true artistic approach, and fortifying your confidence in your point of view and unique self-expression. Doing this for myself has completely changed my life so I can do what I love and work with the people who excite me most. 


At the end of Create Your Cosmology, you will have developed and / or integrated these core understandings and ways of being :

  • You will have more trust in yourself, and more courage and clarity to put one foot in front of the other and be present with life in a way that allows you to feel alive. You will be more able to find potential and creativity in uncertainty.

  • You will feel more supported by the universe, and in the embodied world, safer to take big risks, and let go of the feeling that you have so much to intellectually grasp in order to move through life.

  • You will have more access to levity and joy while also feeling you are an authority in the world. You will be more connected to your power as an artist, and significance as a being. 




Sep 24 - Nov 18

8 Recorded Modules

5 Live Gatherings

  • Week of Sept 24th

    We begin our journey by diving into our definition of knowledge, and exploring ideas from neuroscience, sociology, and quantum physics to better understand the Myth of Objectivity so we can embrace our truth with confidence.

    Live Gathering - Sept 24th, 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET

    Module 1 Opens - Sept 25th, 9 AM ET

  • Week of Sept 30th

    In our second week, we will go to the frontiers of the known universe as we discuss the mysteries of evolution, spacetime, and the earth to better understand how to transform knowledge gaps into imaginal potentials.

    Module 2 Opens - Sept 30th, 9 AM ET

    Live Gathering - Oct 4th, 12 - 1:30 PM ET

  • Week of Oct 7th

    In our third week, we will investigate the nature of human emotion, the nervous system, and the impact of trauma so that we can relate to our bodies as meaning-making instruments.

    Module 3 Opens - Oct 7th, 9 AM ET

    Oct 10th - 9 AM ET - Bonus Workshop Drops: Somatic Imagination (Recorded)

  • Week of Oct 14th

    In this transformative week, we will dive into the collective unconscious which we call culture to understand how social constructs vary across time and space so we can become culture-creators rather than copying and pasting existing norms.

    Module 4 Opens - Oct 14th, 9 AM ET

    Live Gathering - Oct 18th, 12 - 1:30 PM ET 

  • Week of October 21st

    In week five, we examine the importance of resensitizing ourselves in order to create a more sensible world. We start to develop our imaginal practice so we can experience our innate intuitive perception.

    Module 5 Opens: Oct 21st - 9 AM ET

    Oct 21st - Live Bonus Workshop with Jonathan Koe - The Art of Cosmic Conversations - 4 PM - 5:30 PM ET

  • Week of Oct 28th

    In week six, we contrast sociopolitical systems that divide us with cohesive models of the universe so we can transmute constructs of division into constructs of unification.

    Module 6 Opens - Oct 28th, 9 AM ET

    Live Gathering - Nov 1st, 12 - 1:30 PM ET 

  • Week of Nov 4th

    In our seventh week, we explore the tension between individuation and unity consciousness by examining the structures of the brain to fully -resource our creations with intuition and intellectual discernment.

    Module 7 Opens - Nov 4th, 9 AM ET

  • Week of Nov 11th

    In our eighth week, we study consciousness, imagination, and aether so we can start to weave all we have learned together to create our cosmology.

    Module 8 Opens - Nov 11th, 9 AM ET

    Bonus 11/11 Ceremony with Xenia - Nov 11th, 11 - 12:30 PM ET 

  • Week of Nov 18th

    In our final gathering, we share our cosmological discoveries and celebrate the close of our container with an imaginal journey and energy work to support the unfolding of our cosmologies.

    Nov 18th - Integration & Closing Ceremony - 12 - 2:00 PM ET

*Live sessions will be recorded as replays and uploaded to your course portal



In addition to the live + recorded workshops, you will receive:

  • 1 X 45-minute private session with Xenia

  • Belief Audit Exercise

  • Create Your Cosmology Integration Worksheets

  • BONUS WORKSHOP 1: Somatic Imagination with Cara Liguori (Recorded)

  • BONUS WORKSHOP 2: With Jonathan Koe - The Art of Cosmic Conversations (Live)

  • BONUS WORKSHOP 3: 11/11 Ceremony with Xenia

Field Notes

Words from past graduates.

  • "A perfect course for visionary dreamers and independent thinkers who are looking for structure and collective support to create their own value and meaning system. It's an incredibly fitting time to be assessing what kind of reality we want to live in and what meaning we want to cultivate for ourselves. But we need imagination to do it. Xenia is one of those rare gifts of a guide who is able to bridge the connection between our everyday lives and the imaginative space where new possibilities get to be valued and upheld. She has a way of distilling big concepts into digestible, delicious bites that makes you want to keep learning more. This course will really shakeup and help you re-order the way that you see what’s possible in the world and your life."


  • “Xenia is pure magic. I came to her in a truly dark time. Xenia has this wonderful, loving, gentle way about her and I immediately felt comfortable opening up to her. The experience completely changed my life. It gave me the courage to leave my toxic situation and move to Philadelphia, where I met the love of my life."


  • “My experience with Xenia was unparalleled. The information she shared helped me to believe in myself. She took away any doubt I had. I could not recommend her more highly. I feel so very lucky to know this shining soul.”


  • "Xenia's ability to see into people through her craft but also her innate sensitivity is incredibly beautiful to experience. Xenia's energy is just magnificent.”


This Course Will Benefit Those Who

Feel that each of us has a unique perspective that enriches the collective imagination, and are ready to unearth the treasure within them so they can share it with those who are waiting to receive it.




  • Create unique and original offerings that enrich the collective.

  • Understand the world and who you are in it without giving your power to outside authorities. 

  • Create your own philosophy in order to make decisions that feel aligned with your truth and a truly unique body of work.

  • Make peace with those who see the world differently than you do while also understanding when and how to live your values and be an authentic meaning-maker.

  • Weave together ideas, thoughts, and cultural practices that have been separated in order to create an interdependent, world without hierarchy.

  • Remember your right and responsibility to be the interpreter of your reality.

  • Attract a community of imaginative, empathetic, and innovative people.


  • There are multiple forms of intelligence, so I weave analytical scientific knowledge with experiential exercise and creative work.

    To get a feel for the Frequency of CYC, read the CYC Manifesto.

    If you are curious, check out my workshop Magic Without Hierarchy.

  • There are five live sessions and two live workshops spread throughout the container.

    The Dates are as follows:

    Opening Ceremony - Tuesday, Sept 24, 1 pm - 2:15 pm EST

    Integration & Practice- Friday, Oct 4th, 12 PM - 2 PM EST

    Integration & Practice- Friday, Oct 18th, 12 PM - 2 PM EST

    Bonus Workshop with Jonathan Koe: Monday, Oct 21st at 4 - 5:30 PM ET

    Integration & Practice- Friday, Nov 1st, 12 PM - 2 PM EST

    11/11 Ceremony with Xenia: Monday, Nov 11 at 11 AM - 12:30 PM EST

    Closing Ceremony: Monday, Nov 18th 12-1:30 PM EST

  • I intuitively tap into your creative energy and the innate gifts you have. We work with tarot and channeling primarily and you can record the session. 

  • The Art of Cosmic Conversations 

    Planets are people. There are many ways to relate to their multidimensional complexity: as gods, as archetypes, and as kins, among others. 

    In this workshop led by Jonathan Koe, we will explore what it means to remember the lost art of conversing with the planets.

    What does it mean to have conversations with the planets? How are conversations different from prophecies? What personal and relational skills can we cultivate to have better conversations that honor sovereignty, interdependence, and our inherent kinship with the cosmos?

  • How can I be more present with my feelings? How can I respond to my environment more than react? How do I get in touch with my capacity to change? These are some questions we will explore in 

    Somatic Imagination, a recorded bonus workshop exclusively for the participants of  Create Your Cosmology facilitated by Cara Angela Liguori.

    In this 90-minute experiential talk, we will examine common misconceptions about nervous system regulation, connections between our beliefs, visions, and bodies, and the imagination as an embodied space of potential transformation. Cara is a Somatic Practitioner, Movement Educator, and Dream Guide with a background in dance and writing. She is currently studying toward a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

  • At this time, we don't know, as we are following the creative spirit of CYC and are not sure if or when it will return.

  • You will receive new content once a week, and meet roughly every other week.

  • I totally get it. I invite you to email me with any questions you may have, and I welcome you to check out my writing on cosmology here.

  • Yes! Click Register to see all of the payment options.

  • We created many payment options to make this course as accessible as possible. Scholarship applications are due Sept 15th 2024.

    If you'd like to request a partial scholarship, you can do that here.

  • You have access to the student portal for two years, and the workbooks and presentations are yours to keep forever.

Create Your Cosmology

Create Your Cosmology ✦

Are you ready to own your creative nature and genius and remember the innumerable pathways of expressing your authentic gifts?


Sep 24 - Nov 18, 2024

Choose from 1 of 4 payment plans.

Course registration closes Sept 22nd.