Imaginal Temple Group Immersion Homepage

This is where you will find all you need to know about Imaginal Temple Group Immersion including the schedule, live links, replays, and any materials you may need.

Read and sign the container guidelines.

  • Imaginal Temple is an energetic container to ground your unique creative energy into the material plane.

    Due to the nature of this immersion, I do not expect anyone to cosign to any particular ideology or methodology. Instead, I ask that we make an effort to take all the guidance you are given through your own filter so you can keep your power in our time together.

  • This container is very intimate. I ask that all that is shared remain within our community. Please treat everyone’s unique creative ideas with sacred respect. Honor your energy by staying focused on what your unique creative intentions are. Please cite any ideas you receive if they are not your own. Please always ask if others are interested in feedback, listening and support. Do no solicit one another and respect each other’s pronoun preferences.

  • Please note the guidance in this container is not a substitute for mental or physical health support, and is not considered a replacement for financial or legal advice.

  • As much as possible, listen to understand, and rather than offering to fix or give unsolicited guidance to one another, approach our interaction like an ecosystem of sharing in which we all maintain our sovereignty and have no need for hierarchy.

  • This container is for those who are ready to bring something to life. It requires active participation in order for your unique creativity to evolve. You are responsible for the suggested work, creative prompts, and to share with our circle in order to catalyze your project’ fruition. You are the ultimate decider and powerful force behind what you make.

Save the Dates

Click below to add all the dates for Imaginal Temple group immersion to your calendar.

Your Imaginal Temple Guide Book

In a few days, your Imaginal Temple Immersion Workbook will be available to download. You will receive an email when it is ready.

Join the Community Forum

You will be added to a group forum a week before we begin. For this offering interacting and supporting one another catalyzes your growth.

Immersion Schedule + Replays

  • Session 1

    Friday, April 5

    12 PM EDT

    Decoding Your Vision Session 1

    Translating Your Unique Experience into Your Unique Offering

  • Session 2

    Friday, April 19

    12 PM EDT

    Decoding Your Vision Part 2

    Reviewing your creative assignment, Refining the broad vision.

    Replay Link
    Transcript Link

  • Session 3

    Wed, April 24

    12 PM EDT

    Integrating Your Codes: A coworking session where we distill what we have learned and receive feedback from one another.

    Co-working sessions are not recorded.

  • Session 4

    Friday May 3rd

    12 PM EDT

    Creative Blueprint Part 1

    Digging into astrology, human design, and the tarot to feel into your unique creation signature

  • Session 5

    Friday, May 17

    12 PM EDT

    Creative Blueprint Part II

    Continuing our creation signature studies by adding any modalities you are intuitively drawn to.

  • Session 6

    Wed, May 22nd

    12 PM EDT

    Distilling Your Blueprint: A coworking session to synthesize and simplify your findings to create a concise map of how you create.

  • Session 7

    Friday, May 31

    12 PM EDT

    Creation Study: Part 1 Transmute our findings into your creative work. We break down the big dreams into small pieces and start the creative project.

  • Session 8

    Friday, June 14

    12 PM EDT

    Creation Study Part 2: Refining your creative project, rerouting snags, inventing your language.

  • Session 9

    Friday, June 28

    12 PM EDT

    Creation Study Part 3: Building momentum through testing, implementing and building. Seeding the infrastructure of your creation.

  • Session 10

    Friday, July 19

    12 PM EDT

    Integration, Celebration & Sustaining Your Creative Life Force:

    Strategies, review, and paving the way forward.

  • Session 11

    Friday, July 26

    12 PM EDT

    Initiation Seal: A ceremony to imbue your creation with magic, tie up loose ends, and witness one another’s transformation.

What To Expect

At the top of every week you will receive a reminder about the week’s meeting, and what we will be discussing and how to prepare.

During the Co-Creating Sessions (Sessions 3,6, and 10 on Tuesday), we will be working in our session, and presenting each other with our work, getting feedback on our challenges, and integrating and processing all that we are learning.

Additional 1:1 Support

Throughout our time together, you have the option to book up to 4 Imaginal Temple 1:1 sessions if you need extra support or guidance. These sessions are 50 minutes at $111, less than half my 1:1 rate outside this container. They are available to you beginning to the end of the Immersion.