Spotting the Patterns in the Mystical and the Mundane

Hello Friends!

I hope you are all taking care in these times of deep and transformational change. I, for one, have had a continuum of high highs and low lows for months now, often accompanied by difficulty landing my ideal, ideas and visions in my body.

In a lot of ways I feel overwhelmed, and in other ways I feel hopeful which feels strange to say when there is so much extreme suffering in the world, but I want to be honest in sharing my own experience.

I truly believe that all of the traits and behaviors we view as our flaws are a facet of deeply beautiful gifts that we have, and that all we perceive as our gifts/more desirable honorable traits have the potential to manifest as shadowy or imbalanced behavior.

One of the things I have been critical of myself about lately is my need and desire to research and study everything. I always want to understand things intellectually (Gemini North node, Venus and Moon?), and I know sometimes I use this love of study as a crutch to get out of feeling my feelings, but I also know that it is part of nature.

A mountain in shades of blue and the outline of the pines

One of my most authentic ways of learning is to seek out the truths that come through mystics - present-day and ancient channels and transmitters of information from beyond the three-dimensional world.

I am interested in indigenous culture (while being mindful that fascinates me is not mine to take), as well as less lineage-based modern channels and psychic mediums.

I enjoy listening with an open heart and mind, and then combing through the information with my analytical and critical thinking skills to look for patterns.

I like to notice when ideas starts to crystallize into a cohesive shape, coalescing various threads from different people, and modalities into a coherent idea. I love to take ways of seeing and knowing that are often framed as if they are at odds with one another, and put them into harmonious co-creation. All the while, I try to maintain my own discernment, checking in not only with my critical thought, but my own resonance of what feels true to me from a felt sense.

A few themes have been coming up in multiple communities I am part of - (some communities that people would consider very “woo woo," others that are based in western science, and some that live right at the intersection of science, metaphysics, spirituality and indigenous wisdom.

I also want to mention that one thing I look at in a community is how pressured we are to agree with a particular point of view, and how the culture of that space treats us as individuals. I particularly have loved listening to Lee Harris channel lately, especially when his guides encourage us to “stop listening” if what they are saying doesn't feel right to us, or when they ask us to reread and revisit what they have said before we start to share their perspective as the “one right way", but I digress…


The particular patterns that have been coming up in the communities I am a part of are:


For the last 6 years or so, when I speak to psychics and mediums WATER comes up. Dehydration, the quality of the water I am drinking, my proximity to water, the relationship to the waters of my womb, as well as my lack of comfort feeling using my watery senses, have all come through. I didn’t really understand this when I first heard it, but I stuck with and stayed with it and most recently in a channeling with Angela Angel, a Pinay herbalist and medium, the spirit of Water appeared and explained that her healing powers had been compromised because of the toxicity and pollution in water.

Water has memory, and has been used as an energy to ritually cleanse us for thousands of years. There are environmental ways of protecting water, political ways of resourcing those indigenous people who protect water and their waterways, as well as energetic ways of cleansing bodies of water.



I think that one of the illusions that has been put into the spiritual activism sphere is the idea that we ought to feel guilty when we do not have the capacity to tend to the deep suffering of the world, and that our ways of contributing should be uniform, an easily demonstrated and measured.

I honestly feel this is a subtle belief that has been implanted in powerful communities to create distraction, division and self-depletion.

Logically, we cannot give what we do not have. When we have just enough, it makes more sense to regenerate and grow our resources than it does to continuously give in ways that cause us to burn ourselves out, and/or waste time policing other people by managing their actions.

Sometimes we are the ones to speak out, support or amplify others messages. Other times we are are in the role of taking care of our own survival needs and/or supporting in behind-the-scenes ways. To believe that we ought to give more than we can or invest our energy in policing others is puts us on the path of depletion and misunderstanding.

It can feel extremely odd to have a moment of kindness and laughter with your friends when the world seems to be falling apart around you. But I know with all of my heart that soberly facing the reality of hardship is balanced and served by our joy, our creativity and our hope.

This balance is healthy, generative, and healing. To feel badly because you are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions and generating a wide range of experience is to push away the human experience. When we no longer feel worthy of true joy, then we lessen the total amount of joy on the planet. Who is served by this? That true, non-escapist, non-consumerist joy allows us to have more compassion and to turn towards one another in the face of suffering.



Lee Harris often talks about those of us who are drawn to channeling, or mysticism as those who are here to vision the new. When we want to create change in the world, some of us are here to challenge and dismantle what exists, and others are to envision and build what has yet to be. Sometimes we do both.

When we invest in creating networks of care, new models for being in community, new art, new poetry, new platforms and ideas, we siphon energy away from the old models and redirect it to new life. We may play all of these roles at different times, fighting directly to change the existing structures, or in a support role to those who are building the new world.

Sometimes this is something as small as coming up with a new creative way to handle our own misunderstandings or our own difficult emotions. There are many paths to creating a new world. If wrestling with the systems that exist doesn’t feel sustainable of possible to you, open your mind to the idea that you are here to help create the new, and that this is another way to minimize the suffering on this planet.

Thank you for your support, presence and listening. i really hope to see you at commune - my free monthly event, or perhaps in a human design reading or a sacred heart to heart session. wishing you so much support from your own beautiful well of magic.


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