Wildlife Treasury Oracle for October 2023

Divination by Xenia Marie Ross Viray

Upcoming Energies for october



I believe that everything is a divinatory tool and recently repurchased one of my favorite childhood toys, The Wildlife Treasury. This month I am working with the cards and the phrases beneath (which kind of remind me of Sabian symbols) to tap into the collective energy we will be moving through this month. I hope this brings you joy and offers you support.


Here we go. 


October Energy #1



WILDLIFE TREASURY: The only underwater spider


I was today years-old when I found out about the Water Spider, also known as the Diving Bell Spider. It feels so fitting that this energy would beckon to us at doorstep of the upcoming Eclipse on October 14th.  The verbatim description of Water Spider from Wildlife Treasury is so insanely beautiful that I will share most of it with you verbatim. I've bolded the words that feel really good to read aloud.



 “All spiders can survive a 12-minute submersion in water; the water spider is the only one that lives always under water. It can do this only by making a diving bell - a deep-sea ship, as it were. Between the leaves of aquatic plants, it weave a fine web. Then, swimming to the surface of the water, it catches between its legs a bead of air. It takes the bead to its web and releases the air just below the web. The rising air is trapped by the silken web, to which the air pressure gives the shape of a bell. The spider repeats this operation several times, until it has a good supply of air. It then moves into its diving bell. It comes out to catch larvae and other tiny animals. The vibration of insects falling on the water's surface alerts the water spider, which catches them and bring them to its lair. The water spider hunts for food all night.


As winter approaches the water spider moves deeper in the water. It makes a new bell, with an ample supply of air, in which it can spend four of five months almost without moving…"

Water Spider

the only under water spider

THE WATER SPIDER'S MESSAGE: never underestimate your creativity

This month, we are asked to move with skill and precision, understanding the time to strike, and the time to be still. We trust everything within us to give us what we need in ways we once thought impossible. We take the idea of challenge or scarcity and turn it on its head. What seemed to limit us becomes an immense source of ingenuity and grace. When others feel underwater in the energy ocean, our DNA remembers its ability to create with patience and symbiosis. We feed ourselves without hesitation. We build with the plants. We are the air, water and aether, moving in a spell of rest and generativity. All we need comes to us when we trust the air we breathe, when we begin to make a home in ourselves. 


The bell can be an alarm or the sound of an angel getting its wings. How you create your bell is up to you. Protect and honor your sensitivity by acting on its intelligence. 



Read the description from the Wildlife Treasury aloud.

Write a poem with the words that are in bold letters.

Read that poem out loud to the air around you. 

Feel the bell's resonance and buoyancy. 

Dance inside of it. 

You have everything you need and all you desire can be created from your creativity and sensitivity.





October |

Energy #2

Tawny owl

ENERGY #2 Tawny owl

WILDLIFE TREASURY: As comfortable in the City As in the Country

I live in NYC and have been threatening to leave for years. The phrase above really tickles me.



 “The tawny owl must have two things to live: open space where it can hunt birds and rodents during the night, and a tree or an old ruin where it can sleep protected during the day. “ In trees, “it’s plumage blends so well with the bark that it becomes invisible.”

“It is a solitary bird which occupies and defends a hunting area of many acres. At regular intervals, it gives its very characteristic whoo-oo-oo to confirm the fact that it is the sole master of its domain. “


THE TAWNY OWL’S MESSAGE : don’t be afraid to want

Rather than fighting between the desire for safety and the need for space, the desire to be invisible and to declare yourself the sole master of your domain, imagine a future in which you are able to be nothing and everything. Stop compromising with the mind’s binary ways, and open to the desire that lives in your loins. Let the desire divorce itself from greed and materialism and instead remember that everything that allows you to be authentically who you are - when its ultimate goal is truth and love, is always in service to the whole

Stop asking yourself impossible questions. Instead let yourself trust that you are the master of your desires. Engineer them to be gentle and wise. Use silence on purpose, not as a default. Wear your invisibility cloak when needed, but don’t forget to take it off.


TO ACTIVATE THE tawny owl energy

What is your domain and have you declared yourself its sole master? It’s not about seeing yourself in isolation, but instead reclaiming your agency. Write down EXACTLY what you imagine your domain to be. Be concise.
What are you afraid to want? Write it down. Circle it. Draw bubble letters and hearts all over it. Let it sit on your mantle and receive warmth. Want from truth, not scarcity. Feel that desire rise up into your body.


October Energy #3




The idea of the soft skeleton is so incredibly beautiful, no?


“The bath sponge is not a living animal. It is a skeleton from which all living cells have been squeezed… It is made of a network of horny fibers called spongin that soften as they absorb water.

The sponge is usually attached to a rock at depths of as much as 650 feet.

It is often shaped like a large, round fist in which there are many sizeable openings…

The sponge is hermaphroditic. “

SPONGe’s MESSAGE : softness can be structured

One needn’t be rigid to maintain a structure, or strive to be noticed to feel alive. Aliveness is a quality that can be quiet, yet pervasive. There is no right way to be alive, except to forget that you are. How can your empathic nature create a sense of structure that gives you a posture of integrity? How can you be so willing to be open and let go of what you take in with ease? How can even your righteous anger transmute itself into softness?



See how open you can be, and go somewhere beautiful.
See how open you can be and go somewhere strange. Shake off the molecules that don’t feel like they serve your aliveness.

See how much magnetism you have when all you are doing is embracing the softness of who you are.




I Used to Think Life Was Meaningless


Imagination & Uncertainty