The Energies of 2023 & The Great Letting Go

The Energies of 2023

by Xenia Marie Ross Viray

What’s in this piece:

☻ 2023 Energy

☄︎☻ Creating Our Dreams Beyond Capitalism

☄︎☄︎☻ What I Learned From an 80’s Toy

Heyyy Mythsfits, 


As 2022 closes, I feel very strongly that 2023 is a year of big change for many of the people who are receiving this email.


I finally understand that the people I work with are stewarding visionary energy. This might look like new forms of art and healing modalities, but it also might be bringing new energy into a career others see as conventional, listening to one's partners, friends, and even strangers with an innovative heart, and being a portal for wonder and awe simply by being who you are. 



Because we are all connected, those of us who are birthing new energies, new ideas, new timelines, and new ways of being in the world are also here to serve the collective with their authentic creative spark, which means our innovation timelines are weaving with the collective's timing as well. 


Maybe there are projects we have been nourishing since 2016 that will rise above ground this year. 


The universe (or multiverse) is more intelligent than a singular perspective. There is always a highest divine outcome in all moments. The imagination is the place in which we are often receiving what our part in the highest good for all might be.


I listen to a lot of readers and astrologers. I know it might sound funny but if we are all a reflection of one great universal life force, I feel that receiving one another's inspirations and ideas is a way of tapping into the unified whole. 

The way to do this without losing ourselves is to not identify with any one perspective within ourselves or outside ourselves. 


Perspectives shift. That is called learning. 

image from seb janiak

The great letting go 

In moments of great change, it may be tempting to float into the ethers or restrict your attention to the mental checklist arena; perhaps this is an attempt to control our own metamorphosis or hover just above our experience until it seems the stormy weather has passed. 

I believe at the root of avoiding certain tasks, or difficult conversations, we often find an avoidance of knowing and confronting ourselves, of owning our power and responsibility. After all, many of us comes from generations of people being fed the lie that curiosity and asking questions are acts of disrespect.


I don't believe everything has to be a struggle or a slog, and perhaps meaningful struggle is a powerful source of magic at times, but an unnecessary narrative in others.


However, I have yet to meet a period of real and true growth that doesn't entail some level of discomfort or orientation.



image from seb janiak

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