Pluto's Social Club : The Astrology of February and the New Moon in Aquarius

by Xenia Marie Ross Viray

Pluto’s social club

Art by Sara Black of ZSO

Astrology of February 

Pluto's Social Club 


This Friday we have a New Moon in Aquarius. When I look at the chart, and feel into what I have learned from the astrology community (which I will be sharing a bit about on the blog), I see a rebirth of the individual and collective psyche, one aspect at a time. 


Astrology is the tracking of cycles, with each planet having its own circle of motion. Pluto is known as the planet of death and rebirth because it holds both our deepest fears and the power that we are able to wield when we face those fears. Power can take many shapes, and while the dominant cultural narrative paints a very clear picture of those who abuse power, abuse is not the only chapter in power's biography. Power is an innate part of the human experience, it is involved in birthing a child, in saying no to others when they are violating our sacred rights. Power can help us understand the sacredness of our sexuality, and help us find out what our psyche is capable of in the deepest ways. Power might be found when we face our own lies to ourselves and in doing so, remember how much we have to give. 


Yesterday Mercury (our communication, learning, teaching, understanding information) joined Pluto in Aquarius. The way we understand and communicate went to new depths, likely unearthing some wisdom while doing so. Pluto's wisdom tends to be simple but have profound repercussions. Mercury in Aquarius's fears might have to do with wondering if how we think is too outlandish, humanitarian enough or if our genius is a delusion. It might ask us if we are using our words with care, and if we are telling the truth to others or ourselves. It might also ask us if we are hoarding our truth or ignoring all that might threaten what we believe. 


Mercury is one of many planets that will be facing its fears through going deep. The story of Mercury meeting Pluto might give you a sense of the tone that lies ahead in the month of February, as other planets have their fated meeting in the sky with Pluto's depth of vision.


Photo by Olia Deiken

New Moon in Aquarius on Friday, February 9th

On Friday we have a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Chani Nicholas shared in her weekly forecast that Uranus will be squaring the Sun on Thursday and this will be giving the New Moon a flavor of the unexpected. The intentions we have for both our individuation and how that can impact the collective (Sun + Moon in Aquarius) might feel hard to plant with when our nervous system is trying to upgrade entirely new energies (Uranus) into our bodies and we are feeling the effects somatically (Taurus.)


This New Moon makes me curious about:

How the collective nervous system must be taken into account in order to birth a new world.

How the earth's nervous system, her electrical storms, and magnetic fields might be receiving its own upgrades from the cosmos.

How our individual comfort with our genius and being able to trust it connects to our service to the greater whole.


And all of this really makes me think about: how we support our bodies and the waters of our bodies and the waters of the earth when we are going through an upheaval.





I recently learned that it takes about a bottle of water to ask Chat GPT 40 questions. Our inner technology as cosmic beings, and our own need for water and minerals are all connected and we can see this paralleled in our computer technology. 

When there is an upgrade of any electrical or energetic nature, the water and minerals within our bodies and within the Earth's bodies are deeply impacted. They are all carriers and transmitters of frequency.


I always say to folks (although the one who needs to hear this is me) when you upgrade your software, you have to restart your computer. And while I am not a computer, (contrary to some opinions, lol), I do believe there is an important metaphor here for all of us. Rest is part of the growth. Quiet is part of the change. Avoiding either will only leave more of your own experience unprocessed and scattered. So if you are anxious when you are resting (hi, hello, it's me), ask yourself what you might be needing to process and give yourself some grace, it is probably connected to grief.




Here are some of my favorite astrologers and what they are learning/sharing and teaching about the energies ahead.


Astrologer Laura Chung recently shared about the major transformation we will experience in the area of our life that is ruled by Aquarius and how this relates to the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in December of 2020.


Mutable Cross has some beautiful musings on Pluto's impact as well as how this may connect to the hive mind.


Jonathan Koe talks about how “we maintain perspective when solutions are not yet visible” on this episode of Healing with the Spirit.

Nami points out that this will be our first New Moon with Pluto in Aquarius since 1778.



February + March Dates Opening Soon

join the 1:1 waitlist

Behind the scenes, there is a lot emerging and erupting in my private creative cave. While I am experimenting, I am closing my 1:1 books. If you'd like to be notified when spots open up for February and March, join the waitlist!


*If you are in Frequency Artist or are already a client, I will keep my availability open for you!


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