What I Learned in Tech Ed

Dear Mythsfits, 


If you are alive now, you may have a very special assignment in the grand scheme of the human story.


Let me tell you why I believe this…


I've been thinking a lot about the trajectory of change. When I was middle school, I had a class called Tech Ed, technology education.

I have a pretty selective memory, but for whatever reason, I've always remembered this:


Technological advances grow exponentially. I remember seeing this graph, that showed a parabolic growth, similar to the graph on the left.

 I think a lot about the multidirectional relationship between cultural change and technological innovation, and the ways that one informs the other. 

I also see everything, and I mean everything, as consciousness. 


Technology is a manifestation of our consciousness.

So is culture. If one grows ever-more rapidly, so does the other…


For example:


Is astrology becoming more popular because it's a consumer trend, and because apps make it so accessible to learn about?  Or is it's popularity a manifestation of a leap in the collective consciousness that is becoming comfortable with acknowledging that we are connected to the cosmos? 

What came first, the consciousness leap, the tech or the cultural shift? 

We'll never know. And maybe this question is an outdated curiosity of the linear mind, anyway.


To me, (and social scientist Gert Hofstede), culture is the collective unconscious. 

(Essay continued below).

Come on a Mind-Altering Journey With me

Create Your Cosmology

Our education system teaches us from an early age to seek correct answers and approval from authority figures, which undermines our ability to think creatively and trust our own perceptions. This mindset of seeking the "right" answers diminishes the role of creativity in society and creates divisions within ourselves and our communities.


True wisdom comes from developing our own perspectives and ways of understanding the world, not just accepting the views of authority figures. Building our own meaning-making systems is key to gaining creative freedom, taking responsibility for ourselves, and forming mutually respectful relationships with others who share our visions.













Registration is open until March 20th, and I offer a 3 an 6 month payment plan.




And I think if you are reading this, you are likely a supremely curious person who is able to understand the power of our subconscious, and perhaps even, our ability to reprogram and rewire our subconscious in order to have more freedom and agency, 


aka, realize our creative potential. 


You may also have a lot of compassion for just how challenging it is to create a paradigm shift in our particular culture, and within the human body which has an incredible memory for our repetitive habits and our challenging experiences.




It is a wild time to be alive. 
So much potential, but also so much change is uniquely available. 


And we have been taught to fear change, while simultaneously observing how natural and inevitable change is. 


Think about this:

In my Lola's (which is Tagalog for grandma's)lifetime, buying a “song” meant buying a little booklet with lyrics. 

Since she passed into the great beyond in 2006, technology has been invented that allows us to stream songs into a tiny micro computer that fits in our pocket with almost no real buttons that allows us to access almost any song that exists. Oh, and without wires.


If our technology is changing at this rapid of a pace, how can our culture - aka our collective subconscious, keep up? 


This is one of the most important questions of our time. 

The more power we have on a technological level, the more care and purity of heart is needed to wield that technology in a way that is in service to humanity. 

To life itself.

No big deal. 


This is where you come in. 


If you are a creative person, a sensitive person who is interested in mysticism, what is known and unknown and how we can create a world that feels more loving, abundant, peaceful and humane, then you are here to be an active cocreator of a new reality.


The foundation of creation is perception. To trust ourselves, and navigate life, we have to be able to interpret the world through our own lens, and to sense the world through our own perception.

Somehow, through binary linear thinking, a narrative has been created that if we are focused on our individuality that we are somehow abandoning the whole.

But this could not be further from the truth. 


For starters, anything that is organic is unique and is designed to grow and interrelate. It is also designed to serve the whole by being what it is. 


Also, being an individual has nothing to do with being separate from others. In fact, if we don't know who we are or are changing ourselves to be liked, then we are actually creating a barrier to intimacy. 


If we aren't showing up as ourselves, we are actually preventing true connection, and we are adding to the culture of disconnection is is promoted in our hypermaterialist, profit-driven reality. 


To allow yourself to be seen takes immense courage. And it serves connection, and creativity for the whole. 

When we look at the soil, we learn healthy soil has more diverse organisms that we can identify. When we look at the photos from the Webb telescope, we see that there are more star systems than we could have ever imagined. This richness, depth, diversity and unknowable uniqueness mirrors who we are as a population, as a library of sentience and consciousness. 


In modern medicine, we keep trying to extract the chemical from the whole of the plant, instead of understanding the whole is designed with such perfect medicine that trying to design something better than nature is not only a great act of hubris, but a waste of time.


Humanity is no different. We must go with our nature, not against it. We must first do away with the lie that someone out there knows better than us who we are, what is true and how to live. 


You are a creative force in this reality. I hope this becomes a source of great pleasure and meaning for you now and always.






I love experimentation, and so that is just what I am doing! If you are curious about the way I think about creativity and what this has done for me, or want to know more about Create Your Cosmology you can join the Secret newsletter here.


So far I have written about : Consciousness Puberty, Magical Thinking vs. Magic, 3/3 and A Belief in Portals.


I am offering my workshop Magic Without Hierarchy for free until March 17th. Catch it here.



Imagination & Uncertainty


New Moon in Pisces Feb 2023