New Moon in Pisces Feb 2023

On February 19TH/20th, we will all enjoy the first New Moon in Pisces.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.

Each sign teaches us something about how we can relate to ourselves, starting with Aries, the sign of individuation, and ending with the dissolution of our separate selves with the poetry, dreaminess and high spiritual ideals of Pisces.

Pisces rules the twelfth house,

the strangest and often confusing house in the astrological system, at least for me. Traditional astrology calls this the house of undoing, and Jessica Lanyadoo, my favorite hyper Saturnian psychic astrologer, talks about the twelfth house as a place of deep sensitivity.

I have my own ideas about this house. I believe that our relationship with Pisces, Neptune and the twelfth house are very influenced by our ability to understand that many things can be true at once.

When we are able to imagine a world in which we are all part of one cosmic source, while also understanding that we inhabit these bodies, which are separate from the primordial cosmic soup by design, then we can welcome a wild uninhibited imagination without becoming undone.

I think of the twelfth house as the house of oneness, unity, poetry and dissolution. Because we dissolve boundaries and barriers, we receive deeper imaginings, wider perspectives on what connects us, and the music of the spheres is able to flow through our creative work.

By Aoife Herriott from Pinterest

In Pisces, we feel the relief of the boundedness of time and space letting up, and even if it is just a hair, the feeling of being more at home on earth can be profound for those of us who feel that earthbound rules are heavier than what our spirit is used to bearing.

Perhaps in the past, magicians, channels and those who speak to angels were called mad, put into psychiatric wards (another thing the twelfth house rules), because higher dimensional communications seemed alien and unsafe to the onlookers who weren’t ready.

Or maybe, the difference between delusion and vision, is the ability of the receiver of the grand and multidimensional idea, to stay connected to the shared reality of the world we live in, to understand that even the limitations and frustrations of time and space can serve as creative partners for our visions, if we let them.

With Saturn in Aquarius conjunct this new moon, we are offered an invitation to be held by the structures of our communities and systems so that we can safely enter the world of dreams. Saturn, is the teacher, the limitations and responsibilities of life and time, while Aquarius is the sign of innovation, rebellion, technology and the humanitarian.

Together with the new moon and sun in Pisces, Saturn offers us an opportunity to ask ourselves what safety measures, community agreements, rules and technology actually serve our collective visions. It also asks us which ones don’t. It asks us to if our desire to create communities of care with maturity and our sense of poetry and mysticism can coexist and bolster one another.

This moon asks where boundaries protect us, and where rigidity must wash away to make room for a dream we didn’t even know we could hold until this exact moment.

Let the dreams that only we can dream rise up to the surface on this beautiful New Moon. Let the experienced elders of our humanitarian efforts teach us what limitations are helpful to make peace with. May the golden dreams that pour through today find a home in your reality, your community and your life.


A FREE WORKSHOP: Dissolving Illusions for Creative Spirits

2/22 at 2 PM EST | ONLINE

How do we find the threads of centralized power and colonizer mindset in our magic and creative processes?

In this 75 minutes workshop, we will explore the transition from working with spirituality on the mental plane to allowing the etheric realm seep into our lived experience, false templates of creation vs. natural templates of creation, and how we can mine the places within us where we find shame and transmute it into beautiful gold.

In this free/donation-based workshop,

We will explore explore new models for creative thinking and magic and how they differ from existing power structures,

Examine how nonlinear community models are more sustainable

Name etheric templates for creativity that can inspire us in our own creativity and healing practices

Braid analytical thinking, science and intuitive creativity

A recording will be available to all who sign up for a limited time.



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